Product rich snippets is to provide users with additional information about a specific product, such as the product’s price and reviewer(s) ratings and commentary.
- Attract potential buyers while they are searching for items to buy on Google.
- Submit your product listings for free.
- Control your product information. You can maintain the accuracy and freshness of your product information, so your customers find the relevant, current items they’re looking for.
This is the adaptation of the popular extension “@tik” Google rich snippets
To add rich snippets to your site:
1) Download the original extension http://www.opencart.com/index.php?route=extension/extension/info&extension_id=6485
2) Upload only the first file z-google-rich-snippets-1.xml to your server
3) Unzip and upload the file for your theme:
z-google-rich-snippets-2_Fortuna.xml version 1.2+
z-google-rich-snippets-2_Sellegance.xml version 1.4.3+
That’s all you need.
You can check your site with this tool http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/richsnippets
I done it, thanks. Check by google test utility – it works!
But try to find my products page and google doesn’t make rich snippets 🙁
Need I wait for some time?
Love this. It works well. Check it out at kowines.com
where do I install the z-google-rich-snippets-2_Sellegance.xml file??
not working at http://store.obibw.com
Hi. The xml files must be uploaded to the folder vqmod/xml/ on your server. You need to 2 rich snippets files included in the Additional Extensions folder.
Hey, for the fortuna one, it doesn’t display category > subcategory on product pages.. the rest of it works, just not the categories…
Hi Luke,
Sorry for my late reply. Do you mean the breadcrumb only shows the product name? That’s the way the SEO works on OpenCart by default.
To show the entire path you need to use a extension. It’s a limitation of the built in SEO feature.
That is what I meant yeah, and thank you for your help!
Hi, I have a problem with z-google-rich-snippets-2_Sellegance All seems to be ok, but Google Webmaster Tools report error – Missing the best or worst rating in all shop items. how can i solve this problem?
Hi Martin,
What’s your URL? You can send me a message using my contact form http://themeforest.net/user/luisvelaz#contact
Did you use the rich snippets files from the theme package? The most recent versions are included in the theme files.
I’ll wait for your message to check what’s happening.
Happy Holidays!